About Holly Parker | NBC-HWC, FMCHC, MFA
National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Lifestyle & Longevity Coach
Chronic Illness, Cancer, Autoimmune Coaching
Fasting Coach
Fierce Optimist
Transformation Junkie
I’m one of only 8500 people worldwide who hold the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching certification, and one of fewer than 1500 that combine this credential with a Functional Medicine certification. Additionally, my knowledge in lifestyle and disease coaching runs deep, thanks in part to the stellar education I received from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy.
My personal experience with successfully managing and reversing chronic illness adds to my education and coach approach, particularly with regard to the quality of empathy, hope, perspective, wisdom, presence and positivity that I share with clients.
I hold the deep belief that we each have the innate nature to heal and transform, and I bring the energy of that belief into each session. My endless passion and hunger for continued learning mean that I’m consistently researching and applying cutting-edge, evidence-backed information and techniques available.